Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Left at Albuquerque, wherever that is...

Can you find Iraq on a map?

After more than three years of combat and nearly 2,400 U.S. military deaths in Iraq, nearly two-thirds of Americans aged 18 to 24 still cannot find Iraq on a map, a study released Tuesday showed.

I suppose I can forgive an 18 year old for being less than skilled at world geography. Afterall, you're supposed to be stupid when you're 18. I also must consider that a certain number of high school students may have had somebody like Jay Bennish as one of their teachers; somebody who would rather teach leftist dogma than actual relevant course content. Surely he's not the only one out there.
I do find it unforgivable that anybody that's about 23 or 24--that would encompass a large number of college graduates--would fall into that 2/3rds category of ignorance. I shouldn't be surprised though. The great thing about the multicultural movement that has taken hold within our education system is that it does not require you to know anything about other cultures. It only requires that you to feel good about other cultures.
It certainly does not require that you know where they originate, let alone be able to point it out on a map.

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