Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Suicide Thinkers

There exists in Western civilization a virus that infects a certain percentage of the population. This virus causes the victim to believe that the West is responsible for all that ills the world. They refuse to acknowledge the myraid discoveries and contributions to the World Body of Knowledge that have come from the West; and how our open culture of natural and scientific inquiry has fostered this. They see the world through the twin lenses of "white, male oppression" and "capitalistic greed" and measure all things against a standard nothing short of perfection. To them, all discussion (if they allow any at all) is framed in this manner. There are numerous examples to be found in the current events of today. Not suprisingly, many of these infected minds can be found among the faculties of high schools and colleges throughout the nation. Mostly, they seem to be clustered in humanity departments where political grievances have been turned into courses of study with names such as "world studies", "women's studies" and "(insert your favorite 'oppressed' minority here) studies." They also reside in such prestigious places like the Arts & Sciences Department at Harvard as we found out when they recently forced Larry Summers from his job as president for his "heretical" views.
The following link explores this phenomena and its orgins in the Soviet Cold War propaganda machine. The Islamofacist movement--that explicity threatens all that the West stands for--sees in these infected individuals a valuable ally.
Here are some of the symptoms:

There is no truth, only competing agendas.

All Western (and especially American) claims to moral superiority over
Communism/Fascism/Islam are vitiated by the West’s history of racism and colonialism.

There are no objective standards by which we may judge one culture to be better than another. Anyone who claims that there are such standards is an evil oppressor.

The prosperity of the West is built on ruthless exploitation of the Third World; therefore Westerners actually deserve to be impoverished and miserable.

Crime is the fault of society, not the individual criminal.

Poor criminals are entitled to what they take. Submitting to criminal predation is more virtuous than resisting it.

The poor are victims. Criminals are victims. And only victims are virtuous. Therefore only the poor and criminals are virtuous. (Rich people can borrow some virtue by identifying with poor people and criminals.)

For a virtuous person, violence and war are never justified. It is always better to be a victim than to fight, or even to defend oneself. But "oppressed" people are allowed to use violence anyway; they are merely reflecting the evil of their oppressors.

When confronted with terror, the only moral course for a Westerner is to apologize for past sins, understand the terrorist’s point of view, and make concessions.

These ideas travel under many labels: postmodernism, nihilism, multiculturalism, Third-World-ism, pacifism, "political correctness" to name just a few. It is time to recognize them for what they are, and call them by their right name: suicidalism.

I have to confess I do not know too much about the propaganda war that raged from the 1950's straight through to the fall of the Berlin Wall, but Department V did exist, and it's not a stretch of the imagination to believe that they are responsible for this suicide virus that infects the West today.

Antidote anybody?

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