Tuesday, October 11, 2005

They're not all inside playing Xbox

Yesterday I went for an afternoon run after work. It was a gorgeous fall day--sunny, warm, very light breeze-- the kind that makes one breathe deep and feel glad to be alive. I was running down the sidewalk not too far from home when I saw three kids--one boy and two girls about 11 years old--playing on some sort of contraption. When I drew closer I saw that they had made a catamaran out of two of those razor kick scooters that are pretty popular these days. They had constructed a wooden platform that spanned the distance between the two scooters and they were having a ball bombing down the sidewalk trying not to crash. I ran along behind them for about 1/2 a block just listening to them laugh and chatter. It so reminded me of my childhood I could taste it. They abruptly swung the catamaran into a driveway where three other kids were hanging out waiting for them. I heard the laughing and tones of bravado fade into the cacophony of the city as I got further down the sidewalk. It was then that it occured to me that not all the kids were inside playing Xbox on a beautiful sunny afternoon...

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