Thursday, October 06, 2005

Haitian Zombie Recipe

I just found the Haitian recipe for zombies (just in time for Halloween!) Actually it was passed along to me by a friend on a slow news day here at work.
"The recipe included puffer fish which has a poison called tetrodotoxin which is a potent ion channel blocker. Tetrodotoxin poisoning can kill but at other times it leads to a near death state with such a lowered metabolism that the poisoned person is thought to be dead. Somehow along the line Haitian's discovered this property and may at times have used it nefariously. Poisoning someone with the Zombie recipe caused their seeming death. After they were buried the poisoner would unearth the not quite dead victim. The next step was also one of the slick aspects of this scheme in that the unburied and now resuscitated poison victim would be fed a paste made from a plant that contained atropine and scopalomine. These toxins are potent dissociative hallucinogens. The victim was first "killed", buried, and brought back to life. Then given a heavy duty hallucinogenic drug. The dead had come back to life and was walking the earth. Just like in a movie. These guys were then sold to labor camps to work in the fields."

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