Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A different kind of hope for a change

It is entertaining to watch the Obamaniacs soil their capri pants over John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate. So far it seems the most dirt they can dig up on her is that her 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant and unmarried. For reasons that are unclear to me this seems to be a hypocracy of epic proportions; I guess because Mrs. Palin preaches the insane notion that abstinence is the best form of birth control. Anybody that was once young will recall that teenage rebellion is based on doing exactly what your parents tell you not to.

If she'd only hold still long enough for an abortion, that would surely pacify the left.


Here is a list of 21 famous illegitimate children including poets, actors, authors, popes, and statesmen whose parents were not married. There's actually only 20 listed on the website, but I added one extra at the end.

21 Illegitimate Children

1. Guillaume Apollinaire. Poet.

2. Sarah Bernhardt. Actress.

3. Giovanni Boccaccio. Author.

4. Cesare Borgia. Catholic cardinal.

5. Aleksandr Borodin. Composer.

6. Pope Clement VII. Spiritual head of the Catholic Church.

7. Leonardo da Vinci. Artist.

8. Josephine de Beauharnais. Napoleon's wife.

9. Frederick Douglass. Abolitionist.

10. Alexandre Dumas, fils. Novelist and playwright.

11. Desiderius Erasmus. Scholar and author.

12. Alexander Hamilton. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.

13. Jenny Lind. Singer.

14. Marilyn Monroe. Actress.

15. Bernardo O'Higgins. Dictator.

16. Francisco Pizarro. Conqueror of Peru.

17. James Smithson. Chemist and inceptor of Smithsonian Institution.

18. August Strindberg. Playwright.

19. Richard Wagner. Composer.

20. William the Conqueror. First Norman ruler.

21. Jrod. Blogger.

For the record, here are the contrasting views on parenthood that we will be able to vote for this November:

“If my daughter makes a mistake, I don’t want her punished with a baby.”

“As [our daughter] faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.”

All of this will ultimately be irrelevant since unwed mother will marry unwed father before the baby is born. At that point, they'll have a 50/50 chance of making it work, just like the rest of us married folk.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness your mom had you! Does it really matter in today's world if you're married or not? Or is it her age that is most problamatic? Either way, she has a support system stronger than many other teens facing the same prospect.

Jrod said...

Anon, I feel the same way! Of course, if my mother would have chosen otherwise, I'd never know. I do know I was a dream away from being given up for adoption. My mother told me once that she had a dream in which God spoke to her and said she must raise me. Powerful stuff.

It today's world I don't think it matters too much if a couple is married or not. What I feel very strongly about though is that BOTH parents take and share responsibility for raising a child regardless of their marital status. I can't stand it when a woman (I have yet to hear of a man doing it unless he's gay, but that's a whole different subject), apparently in the ultimate show of emancipation, gets pregnant with the predetermined intention of raising the child as a single parent. That is the height of selfishness. In fact, I was just such a story that prompted me to start blogging in the first place (I think the archives will confirm that). While it is easier and more socially acceptable to do in this day, it is not right. A child needs both a loving mother and a loving father. Telling yourself otherwise is just a lie.

I was sitting in the "library" at home the other day. My wife left a copy of People Magazine or some other gossip rag on the counter. I opened it up and there was a picture of a very pregnant Minnie Driver coming out of the surf. The caption said something like, "Minnie, 38, won't disclose the identity of the father, and she intends to raise the child as a single mother and is thankful that it is possible in this day and age..." What a selfish twit--like a kid is a puppy or some other accessory. True, she is fortunate to have the resources to make life comfortable for her child, but that will do nothing to fill the void that will be left where her father should be.