Friday, August 12, 2005

Iraq Unfiltered

Most people realize intuitively if not overtly that "if it bleeds it leads" is the mantra of the mainstream media (MSM). Being a reporter in a war zone is a hazardous affair, and I can understand one's desire to hole up in a hotel room in the Green Zone and pass off rumors and the like as bona fide news stories in order to meet deadlines; and I believe the majority of the population will swallow these stories without too much thought or question. If one listens to only the MSM day in and day out, one may be left with an impression that does not necessarily square with the reality of the situation on the ground. This may or may not be the intent of the reporter, but that's the subject of another blog entry. Fortunately there exists a cadre of independent journalists in Iraq that truly risk their lives each day in order to give the world an alternative and unedited version of what is really going on. Michael Yon is one if them. His blog is the best I've found yet on the subject. I strongly encourage you to check it out and support him if you are able.

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