Globally Men Average 13 Sexual Partners, Women Seven
Sept. 25 (Bloomberg) -- Following are the results of a
survey of 26,028 people on sexual practices conducted by
Harris Interactive on behalf of Durex.
Men have had more sexual partners than women in every
country surveyed with the exception of New Zealand, where
women average 20 partners compared to 17 for men. The
following results are for heterosexuals only:
Country Men Women Difference Austria 29 17 12 Russia 28 17 11 Greece 28 10 18 Brazil 27 11 16 Australia 25 10 15 Switzerland 24 14 10 Canada 23 10 13 Spain 21 8 13 Italy 19 7 12 South Africa 18 7 11 New Zealand 17 20 -3 Germany 17 9 8 France 17 7 10 UK 16 10 6 Netherlands 14 8 6 Japan 14 8 6 Mexico 14 6 8 Hong Kong 14 4 10 USA 13 9 4 Poland 12 5 7 Thailand 12 2 10 Nigeria 9 3 6 Malaysia 9 2 7 Singapore 8 3 5 India 6 2 4 China 4 2 2 Global average 13 7
NOTE: The survey was conducted from Aug. to Sept. 2006.
On average worldwide:
Heterosexual men have had 13 female partners.
Heterosexual women have had 7 male partners.
Homosexual men have had 108 male partners.
Homosexual women have had 11 female partners.
Bisexual men have had 21 male and 14 female partners.
Bisexual women have had 13 male and 3 female partners.
The data on homosexuality is interesting. It's been widely publicized that men think about sex on average every six minutes, so it should come as no surprise that homosexual men have far more partners than heterosexual men. Also interesting is that bisexual men prefer men, and bisexual women also prefer men. It would seem that ya just can't beat a good ol' fashion rogering.
Something worth considering when looking at this data is the conventional wisdom that says men generally overstate the number of partners they've had by a factor of three, and women understate the number of partners they've had by the same factor. Ah you promiscuous hussies--we love you!
In case you were wondering who has sex the most often, wonder no longer:
Greeks Have the Most Sex, Japanese the Least
April 19 (Bloomberg) -- Greeks have the most active sex
lives while Japanese are the least active, according to a
survey conducted by Durex.
The survey found that 87 percent of respondents in Greece
have sex weekly while only 34 percent of those in Japan
reported having sex weekly. Greece has one of the lowest
birth rates in the world according to World Bank data.
The survey questioned 26,028 people, of which 22,040 were
non virgins, in 26 countries. Following is a table based upon
the latest report:
Country % of respondent having sex weekly Birth rate per 1,000 Greece 87% 9 Brazil 82% 20 Russia 80% 11 China 78% 12 Poland 76% 9 Italy 76% 10 Malaysia 74% 22 Spain 72% 11 Switzerland 72% 10 Mexico 71% 19 South Africa 71% 24 Austria 70% 10 France 70% 13 India 68% 24 Germany 68% 9 Thailand 65% 16 Netherlands 63% 12 New Zealand 63% 14 Hong Kong 62% 7 Singapore 62% 10 Australia 60% 13 Canada 59% 10 UK 55% 12 Nigeria 53% 41 USA 53% 14 Japan 34% 9
Interestingly, the Greeks have the most sex and one of the lowest birthrates. Either they take their contraceptives very seriously, or there's a kernel of truth to the old joke, "how do you separate the Greek men from the boys?" (answer: with a crowbar)
Let's look at China for a moment shall we? The survey says the average man has 4 partners and the average women 2, yet the second dataset puts them near the top in frequency of sex per week at 78%. Sounds like the ladies might be getting a better work out than they're telling us.
What's going on with the Japanese? I have a feeling they're not quite telling the whole truth. My wife (then girlfriend) and I traveled to Japan about 8 years ago, and based on the number of "love"
Conspicuously absent from the survey are any Scandinavian countries; specifically Sweden. Everybody knows the Swedes screw like we shake hands. I'll wager they were too busy getting "busy" to answer a silly survey.
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